科 学 研 究
主要研究领域 1.非饱和土特性 2.土工合成材料应用原理 3.道路中的岩土工程问题 4.岩土数值计算 5.电渗理论与电渗技术
近年主要论著 [1] Wei-lie Zou, Lu-qiang Ding, Zhong Han*, Xie-qun Wang. Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the moisture sensitivity of a compacted clay. Engineering Geology. 2020.278: 105832. [2] Lu-qiang Dinga, Zhong Han*, Wei-lie Zou*, Xie-qun Wang. Characterizing hydro- mechanical behaviours of compacted subgrade soils. Transportation Geotechnics. 2020.24: 100392. [3] Wei‑lie Zou, Zhong Han*, Gui‑tao Zhao*, Ke‑wei Fan, Sai K. Vanapalli, Xie‑qun Wang. Efects of cyclic freezing and thawing on the shear behaviors of an expansive soil under a wide range of stress levels. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2022, 81:77. [4] Zhao Guitao, Zou Weilie*, Han Zhong*, Wang Dongxing, Wang Xiequn. Evolution of soil-water and shrinkage characteristics of an expansive clay during freeze-thaw and drying-wetting cycles. Cold Reg Sci Technol. 2021, 186:103275. [5] Wei-lie Zou, Zhong Han*, Lu-qiang Din*, Xie-qun Wang. Predicting resilient modulus of compacted subgrade soils under influences of freeze–thaw cycles and moisture using gene expression programming and artificial neural network approaches. Transportation Geotechnics. 2021, 28:100520 [6] Ding Luqiang, Vanapalli Sai K, Zou Weilie*, Han Zhong*, Wang Xiequn. Freeze-thaw and wetting-drying effects on the hydromechanical behavior of a stabilized expansive soil. Constr Build Mater. 2021, 275:122162 [7] Han Zhong, Zou Weilie*, Wang Xiequn. Predicting water retention curve and resilient modulus of compacted natural and recycled pavement unbound granular materials. Int J. Pavement Eng. 2021, 22:1697–710 [8] Zhao Guitao, Han Zhong*, Zou Weilie*, Wang Xiequn. Evolution of mechanical behaviours of an expansive soil during drying-wetting, freeze–thaw, and drying-wetting-freeze–thaw cycles. Bull Eng Geol Environ. 2021, 80:8109–21. [9] Zou, W., Han, Z. & Ye, J. Influence of external stress and initial density on the volumetric behavior of an expansive clay during wetting. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-08960-1 [10] Yunli Li, Wenping Wu, Xihua Chu, Weilie Zou*. Effects of stress paths on triaxial compression mechanical properties of QH-E lunar soil simulant studied by DEM simulation. Granular Matter, 2020. [11] Wei-lie Zou, Zhong Han⁎, Sai K. Vanapalli, Jun-feng Zhang, Gui-tao Zhao. Predicting volumetric behavior of compacted clays during compression. Applied Clay Science, 2018, Vol.156, 116–125. [12] Zhong Han, Sai K. Vanapalli, Wei-lie Zou*, Xie-qun Wang, Jun-feng Zhang. Modelling virgin compression line of compacted unsaturated soils. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, https://doi.org/10. 1007/s 11440-019-00767-0. [13] Yunli Li, Weilie Zou*, Wenping Wu, Lun Chen, Xihua Chu. Triaxial compression tests of QH- E lunar soil simulant under constant mean principal stress path using discrete element method simulations. Granular Matter, 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s10035-018-0855-5. [14] Wei-lie Zou*, Jia-bing Ye, Zhon Han, Sai K. Vanapalli, Hong-yu Tu. Effect of montmorillonite content and sodium chloride solution on the residual swelling pressure of an expansive clay. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s12665-018-7873-9. [15] Wan, L.-L., Zou, W.-L.*, Wang, X.-Q. and Han, Z. (2017). Comparison of three inclusions in reducing lateral swelling pressure of expansive soils. Geosynthetics International. https://doi.org/10.1680/jgein.18.00012 |
科 学 研 究 |
[16] Ye Yun-xue, Zou Wei-lie*, Han Zhong, Liu Xiao-wen. Predicting the entire soil-water characteristic curve using measurements within low suction range, Mountain Science, 2019, 16(5): 1198-1214. [17] Zhong Han, Sai K. Vanapalli*, and Wei-lie Zou. Integrated approaches for predicting soil-water characteristic curve and resilient modulus of compacted fine-grained subgrade soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2016-0349 [18] Zhong Han, Sai K. Vanapalli*, Jun-ping Ren, Wei-lie Zou. Characterizing cyclic and static moduli and strength of compacted pavement subgrade soils considering moisture variation. Soils and Foundations, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.sandf.2018.06.003. [19] Wei-lie Zou, Yan-feng Zhuang*, Xie-qun Wang, Sai K. Vanapalli, Yun-lan Huang & Fei-fei Liu. Electro-osmotic consolidation of marine hydraulically filled sludge ground using electrically conductive wick drain combined with automated power supply[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2017.1312721 [20] Wei-lie Zou, Yun-li Li*, Lun Chen, Jun-feng Zhang, Xie-qun Wang. Mechanical Properties of QH-E Lunar Soil Simulant at Low Confining Stresses. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2016, Vol. 29. [21] Wei-lie Zou, Xie-qun Wang*, Sai K. Vanapalli. Evaluation of GFRP screw anchors for anchoring applications in geotechnical engineering practice. ASCE, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2016, Vol. 28. [22] Xilin Xia, Qiuhua Liang* , Manuel Pastor, Weilie Zou, Yan-Feng Zhuang. Balancing the source terms in a SPH model for solving the shallow water equations[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2013, Vol. 59, 25–38. (SCI、EI) [23] Wei-Lie Zou*, Zhao Wang, Hui-MingZhang. A Field Trial for Asphalt Pavements Reinforced with Geosynthetics and Behavior of Glass-fiber Grids. ASCE, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2007, Vol. 21: 361~367. [24] Wei-lie Zou*, Zhao Wang, Zheng-fa Yao. Effect of Dynamic Compaction of Placement of High-Road Embankment. ASCE, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2005, 19(4): 316-323. [25] Li Yun-Li, Zou Wei-Lie*, Wu Wen-Ping and Chen Lun. Discrete element modeling of strength properties and failure modes of QH-E lunar soil simulant at low confining stress. The Civil Engineering Journal, 2018. DOI 10.14311/CEJ.2018.02.0017. [26] 赵贵涛, 韩仲, 邹维列, 王协群. 干湿、冻融循环对膨胀土土-水及收缩特征的影响. 岩土工程学报. 2021, 43:1139-46. [27] 邹维列, 叶云雪, 韩仲. 基于化学反应动力方程的一维膨胀时程模型. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 12. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1124.TU.20191212.1505.006.html [28] 叶云雪 , 邹维列*,韩仲,刘小文. 非饱和土孔隙比与基质吸力关系的通用模型,岩土工程学报,2018 [29] 叶加兵,张家发,邹维列*. 颗粒形状对碎石料孔隙特性影响研究. 岩土力学,2018, 39(12):1-11. |
[30] 叶云雪, 邹维列*,袁斐, 刘家国. 基于土壤转换函数(PTF)预测不同初始孔隙比土的土 -水特征曲线. 岩土工程学报,2018. [31] 邹维列,王协群*,罗方德,张俊峰,叶云雪,胡中威. 等应力和等孔隙比状态下的土-水特征曲线. 岩土工程学报,2017, 39(9): 1711-1717. [32] 邹维列,陈轮*,张俊峰,刘小顺, 童朝霞. 低围压水平下QH-E模拟月壤三轴试验技术与力学特性. 岩土工程学报,2015, 37(8): 1418-1425. [33] 王协群, 张俊峰*, 邹维列, 温家华, 刘超. 格栅-土界面抗剪强度模型及其影响因素.土木工程学报, 2013, 46(4): 133-141. [34] 邹维列, 张俊峰*, 王协群. 脱湿路径下重塑膨胀土的体变修正与土水特征. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(12): 2213-2219. [35] 邹维列,陈轮, 谢鹏, 王默, 张靖. 重塑膨胀土非线性强度特性及一维固结浸水膨胀应力-应变关系. 岩土力学, 33(S2): 59-64. [36] 王协群, 邹维列*, 骆以道, 汪建峰, 邓卫东, 王钊. 考虑压实度时温度对吸力的影响与土水特征曲线. 岩土工程学报,2011, 33(3): 356-361. [37] 王协群, 张有祥*, 邹维列, 熊海帆. 降雨入渗条件下非饱和路堤变形与边坡稳定的数值模拟. 岩土力学, 2010, 31(11): 3640-3644. [38] 邹维列*,冷建军,王协群. 重力式加筋土挡墙的工作性能和土压力计算. 岩土力学, 2011, 32(S2): 70-75. [39] 邹维列*,冷建军,温家华. 重力式加筋土挡墙设计参数的影响分析. 土木工程学报, 44(S2): 23-28. [40] 邹维列, 谢鹏* , 马其天, 杨迤, 左春阳. 废弃轮胎橡胶颗粒改性膨胀土的试验研究. 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2011, 43(3): 44-48. [41] 王协群,邹维列*,骆以道,邓卫东. 压实度与级配对路基重塑黏土土-水特征曲线的影响. 岩土力学, 2011, 32(S2), 181-184. [42] 邹维列*,李聪、汪建峰等. 非饱和路基对加载和降雨入渗响应的模型试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2009, 31(10): 1512-1519. [43] 邹维列*, 王钊, 陈春红. 玻璃钢螺旋锚用于稳定膨胀土渠坡的现场拉拔试验和锚筋的破坏形式. 岩土工程学报, 2009, 31( 6): 970-974. [44] 邹维列*,王钊,彭远新. 长寿沥青路面路面结构的层厚设计与分析. 岩土力学, 2009, 30(3): 645-649. |